Conveyancing steps: A Comprehensive Guide

The process of conveyancing is essential in any property transaction, ensuring that the legal transfer of ownership is handled smoothly and securely. Whether you are buying or selling a property, understanding the key steps involved in conveyancing can help you navigate the process with confidence. At Somnium Legal, with offices in Orihuela and Orihuela Costa, we specialize in guiding our clients through every stage of this process, ensuring clarity and peace of mind.

What is Conveyancing?

Conveyancing refers to the legal process of transferring property ownership from the seller to the buyer. It involves various steps that ensure the transaction is legally binding, that all potential issues are identified and addressed, and that the transfer of ownership is completed without complications.

Key Steps in the Conveyancing Process

  1. Instruction and Initial Preparation

    • Choosing a Conveyancer: The process begins when you select a conveyancer or solicitor to handle the legal aspects of the transaction. At Somnium Legal, we provide expert conveyancing services tailored to your specific needs.
    • Initial Documentation: After instructing your conveyancer, you will need to provide some initial information about the property and the transaction. This may include details about your mortgage, identification documents, and any agreements made with the buyer or seller.
  2. Drafting and Reviewing Contracts

    • Drafting the Contract: The seller’s conveyancer will draft a contract that outlines the terms of the sale, including the price, property details, and any conditions.
    • Reviewing the Contract: The buyer’s conveyancer will review the contract to ensure it is fair and accurate. They may raise questions or request amendments based on the buyer’s interests.
  3. Conducting Property Searches

    • Local Authority Searches: These searches check for any planning issues, restrictions, or obligations related to the property, such as pending planning applications or nearby development plans.
    • Environmental Searches: These searches determine whether the property is at risk of flooding, contamination, or other environmental issues.
    • Title Search: This confirms the seller’s legal right to sell the property and ensures that the title is free from encumbrances such as mortgages or liens.
  4. Mortgage and Financial Arrangements

    • Mortgage Offer: If the buyer requires a mortgage, they will need to secure a mortgage offer from their lender. The conveyancer will review the terms of the mortgage to ensure they align with the transaction.
    • Deposit Transfer: Once the contract is agreed upon, the buyer will need to transfer the deposit to their conveyancer, who will hold it until the exchange of contracts.
  5. Exchange of Contracts

    • Finalizing the Contract: Once all parties are satisfied with the terms and the necessary searches are complete, the contracts are finalized.
    • Exchange of Contracts: The buyer and seller’s conveyancers exchange signed contracts, legally binding both parties to the transaction. At this stage, the buyer also pays the deposit.
  6. Completion

    • Transfer of Funds: On the agreed completion date, the buyer’s conveyancer transfers the remaining balance of the purchase price to the seller’s conveyancer.
    • Transfer of Ownership: The seller’s conveyancer hands over the title deeds to the buyer’s conveyancer, and the ownership of the property is officially transferred. The buyer can now take possession of the property.
  7. Post-Completion

    • Stamp Duty Payment: The buyer’s conveyancer will calculate and pay any Stamp Duty Land Tax (or equivalent in your jurisdiction) on behalf of the buyer.
    • Registering the Property: The final step involves registering the new ownership with the Land Registry, ensuring that the buyer is officially recorded as the new owner.

Why Understanding the Conveyancing Steps is Important

Knowing the steps involved in conveyancing helps to demystify the process, making it easier to follow and understand what is happening at each stage. This knowledge can reduce stress, prevent misunderstandings, and ensure that you are well-prepared for each step.

How Somnium Legal Can Help

At Somnium Legal, we pride ourselves on providing clear and comprehensive guidance throughout the conveyancing process. With our offices in Orihuela and Orihuela Costa, we are well-positioned to assist clients across the region, offering personalized support at every stage of your property transaction.

Our team of experienced conveyancers is dedicated to ensuring that your conveyancing experience is as smooth and stress-free as possible. We focus on clear communication, attention to detail, and timely execution to deliver results that meet your expectations.


The conveyancing process involves several critical steps that require careful attention and expertise. By understanding these steps and working with a trusted conveyancer, you can ensure that your property transaction is handled efficiently and effectively.

If you’re looking for expert conveyancing services in Orihuela or Orihuela Costa, contact Somnium Legal today. We’re here to guide you through each step of the conveyancing process, ensuring a successful and seamless transaction.


Conveyancing steps – A Comprehensive Guide

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