Conveyancing Victim: Essential Insights

Becoming a conveyancing victim is a situation no property buyer or seller wants to face, yet it can happen due to various reasons, including fraud, negligence, or miscommunication. In this article, we’ll provide essential insights into how to avoid falling victim to conveyancing issues, focusing on the importance of working with trusted professionals like Somnium Legal, located in Orihuela and Orihuela Costa.

What Does it Mean to be a Conveyancing Victim?

A conveyancing victim refers to an individual who suffers financial or legal harm during a property transaction due to mishandling by a conveyancer, fraud, or unforeseen complications. Common issues include:

  • Property Fraud: Scammers may pose as legitimate sellers or conveyancers to mislead buyers into transferring funds.
  • Negligence: A poorly handled transaction can result in legal complications, such as buying a property with undisclosed issues.
  • Contractual Mistakes: If contracts are not properly drafted, or essential details are omitted, the buyer or seller may face financial losses.

Common Conveyancing Problems

  • Title Deeds Issues: Unresolved issues with the property’s title can prevent a smooth transfer of ownership, leaving the buyer with a property that legally remains under dispute.
  • Hidden Fees or Debts: Buyers may inherit undisclosed debts or encumbrances attached to the property if proper searches are not conducted.
  • Fraudulent Transactions: Cybercriminals may intercept communications or pose as conveyancers to divert funds into their accounts, leading to significant financial loss.

How to Avoid Being a Conveyancing Victim

  1. Work with a Reputable Firm: Choosing a trusted conveyancing solicitor, such as Somnium Legal, is essential. Always verify the credentials and experience of your conveyancer to avoid dealing with fraudulent or unqualified professionals.
  2. Use Secure Communication: Property fraud often occurs through email interception. Ensure that all sensitive information, particularly bank details, is shared through secure and encrypted channels.
  3. Request Full Disclosure: Ask for full disclosure of any potential legal or financial issues related to the property. A competent conveyancer will ensure that all necessary searches are completed, protecting you from future surprises.
  4. Monitor the Process Closely: Stay engaged throughout the conveyancing process. While your solicitor handles the legalities, you should request updates and ask questions about any part of the process you do not understand.

How Somnium Legal Can Help

At Somnium Legal, we are committed to protecting our clients from becoming conveyancing victims. With our extensive experience in property law in Orihuela and Orihuela Costa, we offer expert guidance throughout the entire process. Our team ensures that all due diligence is completed, keeping your interests safeguarded at every stage.


Avoiding conveyancing pitfalls requires diligence, secure communication, and the expertise of a trusted legal partner. By choosing Somnium Legal, you can navigate your property transaction confidently, knowing that every detail is handled with care and precision to prevent any risks. Stay vigilant, and ensure that your property transaction is managed by professionals who prioritize your security.


Conveyancing Victim – A Comprehensive Guide

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