Bizum to pay taxes.


Many of you have been asking us if the BIZUM payment platform is valid for paying taxes and/or local levies.

Without delving into tax legislation, specifically the General Tax Law of December 17, 2003, known as the LGT 2003, it is clear that the legislator advocates the use of new technologies to communicate with public administrations.

As BIZUM is a payment service provider (PSP), and BIZUM operates by linking a bank account to our mobile phone, it was only a matter of time before we could use this system to make payments to public administrations.

This all began in October 2021 when the Catalan Tax Agency incorporated a new payment channel through BIZUM for paying our taxes. In addition, in our province, Alicante, SUMA Gestión Tributaria has also introduced BIZUM as a payment method.

Therefore, considering that using BIZUM is akin to making payments through transfers or with a card at a point of sale, it is only a matter of time before the rest of public administrations adapt to this technology and allow us to pay taxes and levies through BIZUM. This will greatly facilitate the payment process, saving us time, queues, and associated problems.